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PlusLine provides ministry support to Seventh-day Adventist church members, pastors and church leaders throughout the North American Division. As the official helpdesk for general church information, PlusLine's duties include the collection and transmission of data related to nurture and outreach ministry. PlusLine also maintains a speaker database and an events calendar. Event services are available for church entities and ministries responsible for planning seminars, workshops, camp meetings and large conventions.  
This website is sponsored by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It is designed to provide church resource support to Adventist lay leaders, pastors, and other church workers. 

PlusLine Mission Statement

As with other organizations, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is facing an information glut. New products and materials, denominational and otherwise, designed for nurture and outreach ministry are multiplying so rapidly it’s difficult for active members and pastors to stay informed.  
As a result some needlessly waste time looking for resources, or redeveloping products that already exist. This can be prevented. In today’s world it only makes sense that the church provide a way for its members and leaders to quickly find the tools they need to perform their ministries. Establishing a central clearing-house where information can be quickly stored and retrieved helps facilitate this. PlusLine is an idea whose time has come. 
On-line support 
PlusLine provides support by taking the hassle out of finding ministry-related information. If an item cannot be found, a ministry consultant conducts a personalized search and provides each caller with the results as quickly as possible. Some of the areas PlusLine can help with include: 

  • Program ideas for local church leaders 
  • Help finding books and materials 
  • Connecting people with other resource organizations  
  • Suggestions for special events 
  • Phone numbers and addresses 
  • Register people for specific events  
    A ministry partnership 
    PlusLine was started as a local experiment in the Pacific Union Conference in May of 1993. What started with a trickle quickly mushroomed into a tidal wave of calls. The success of the project brought a recommendation from the nine union conference Church Ministries directors that PlusLine be expanded to serve the entire North American Division. This action was implemented on October 1, 1994. 
    Obviously, it takes money to provide this kind of service. North American Division (NAD) Officers and Union Presidents voted to implement PlusLine under the NAD Church Resources Consortium with the cost to be shared by the division and its union conferences.    
    You can access PlusLine from anywhere in North America via telephone by calling 800-732-7587, or, you can access it from anywhere in the world by visiting this site. 

    Link to PlusLine    


    Contact: info@plusline.org

    Phone PlusLine at: 800-732-7587

    PlusLine is administered by AdventSource, the North American Division leadership resource center.

    Phone AdventSource at: 800-328-0525 (phone orders) or 402-486-8800 (staff)



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